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Training Programs

The prefix "re" means "having to do with" or "again".  The "Re" in each of the sessions below has to do with rethinking our approach and introduces tools and techniques for building new and better habits and behaviors.  


The integration of neuroscience and ancient wisdom traditions helps you become highly self-aware and inspiring leader.  We build upon this with new models and techniques that will motivate your teams to perform at their best. 


1) ReBoot - Managing Stress and Agility

2) ReNew - Manage your Energy, Focus and Time 

3) ReFrame - How to Communicate and Engage with your teams

4) ReBuild - Understanding Non-Conscious Bias and its implications to you and your teams

Each of these modules includes interactive activities, brain science, ancient traditions, daily practice and implementation plans. Done alone, or in combination with coaching these sessions are a way to build higher performance.They can be delivered in a short virtual programs or as live training sessions.  When combined these sessions create powerful learning experiences.


Click Icons below for more information about each session.


Stress Managment
Time/Energy Hacks

Engage & Motivate​
Breaking Bias
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